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Profile Explorer

When creating new AI applications, developers need a way to explore profiles and attributes about its existing applications so that they know what information the profile contains in the hopes of reusing some of that information.


My role as a Designer on this project was to work directly with the CTO, Lead Product Engineer, Front End Development, and my Creative Director to decipher the needs of 
those Developers. The solution was a 
nodular grouping of attribute, their 

hierarchical structures, and separate 
panes to filter and drill down. The Profile Explorer contains tons of complex multi-level functionality and scalability. You are able to to filter down from millions of profiles and edit and alter the naming of individual profiles. The visuals I created are both user functional, and also bring a fun video game like quality.

How Profile of One fits into the Cortex AI Product

Profile Screen

An elementary wireframe of what would become the modular and nebulous Profile Explorer.

Profile Explorer

Previous rendition of Profile of One, with minimal functionality and interactions.

Initial wireframe design of the Profile of One main landing screen. This would allow a user to see all of their profile attributes and filter them using either tags or a query function to search for specific metrics and information. 

Universe _ Open Filter
Attribute Elements
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